Apple chips – DIY gifts from the meadow orchard

To make others happy, a little something is often enough. Fallen fruit is often too good to throw away or compost. Especially when the fruits are already ripe, they are very good for dried apple chips or as applesauce. Filled in small sachets, the dried fruit is a good alternative as a snack on the go or for sports.

The chip shape isn’t perfect with this fruit, but if the taste is right I guess that’s secondary. With a homemade label, they make a nice little souvenir or even a gift.

And this is how the apple chips gifts are made:

  • Wash the fallen fruit and remove all damaged areas and the core. If the fruit is sprayed, the peel should be removed.
  • Cut the pieces into fine slices of 2 to 3 mm thickness.
  • Put all the pieces in a large bowl and sprinkle with a little lemon juice. Blending.
  • Add the cinnamon and mix as well. Approx. 1 to 2 teaspoons per 2 to 3 kg of apple pieces.

Now everything still needs to be dried. This can be done in the oven or with a special dehydrator.

In the oven:
Spread the pieces on several baking sheets (covered with baking paper). Allow to dry at 80°C for approx. 4 to 5 hours. Leave the oven door slightly open. E.g. by jamming a cooking spoon.

In the dehydrator:
Spread the dehydrated food on as many tiers as possible so that the pieces do not lie thickly on top of each other.

Depending on the make, the time may vary slightly. For the Rommelsbacher DA750 it is 5 hours on level 3 with 6 floors.

The advantage of a dehydrator is the lower energy consumption. And for friends of potato chips, drying them yourself is a good alternative without flavour enhancers.

ROMMELSBACHER Dörrautomat DA 750 - 4 Dörretagen aus Kunststoff für Pilze, Obst, Gemüse, Kräuter & mehr, Leistungswahl in 3 Stufen, 12 Stunden Zeitschaltuhr, Überhitzungsschutz, 700 Watt, weiß
  • Gehäuse aus erstklassigem Kunststoff, transparenter Deckel mit Heizgebläse
  • 4 reinigungsfreundliche Dörretagen aus hochwertigem Kunststoff
  • Leistungswahl in 3 Stufen, 12 Stunden Zeitschaltuhr mit Abschaltautomatik
  • Überhitzungsschutz, bis auf 8 Dörretagen erweiterbar
  • 2 Dörretagen zum Nachrüsten unter Artikelnummer DE 100 erhältlich

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The pieces should not be dry like crackers, but still have a slight residual moisture. After that, they can be canned for storage.

The portion bags can be made with a vacuum sealer. The advantage is the long shelf life and the individual size of the bags.

Then use a stapler to attach a homemade label. Here, for example, congratulations can also be printed or written. There are no limits to the imagination.



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