Discover regional specialties & products
Quickly and at a glance, you will find typical regional recipes, specialties and products from Baden-Württemberg.
Baden-Württemberg recipes
- Fruit bread, HutzelbrotA long-lasting Christmas pastry with dried fruits, nuts and almonds.
- Baden potato saladThis potato salad is more of a southern German specialty. A snack with sausages or meatballs.
- Baden ShardsBadische Scherben are a popular and classic lard pastry for Shrovetide, Mardi Gras or Carnival. But they also go well with a party.
- Black Forest hamA typical specialty from the Black Forest: cold smoked with various herbs and spices, it gets a typical black-brown rind.
- Onion TartOnion tart is a hearty dish that is also served as a snack.