Honey – a fascinating natural product

Creamy-firm and ivory-coloured from rapeseed or blueberry, thick and amber-coloured from lavender or liquid and golden-yellow from robinia: honey is one of the most fascinating natural products.

However, as varied as the appearance and consistency are, so is the taste. A fresh roll for breakfast with butter and honey makes any dull morning seem bright.
In addition to its purpose as a bread topping, it has always served primarily as a natural sweetener and preservative. For example, this natural product belongs in gingerbread or serves as a substitute for sugar in muesli or yogurt. Since this “liquid gold” is taste-intensive, it should be well selected depending on the intended use.

Also revived was fermentation into mead, an alcoholic drink made from honey, water and spices. But the most amazing thing about this natural product is the more than 180 ingredients that make it a remedy as well.

Bee collecting honey
Bee on a fair flower

Producers of honey are bees, which mix plant nectar with endogenous substances and deposit it in honeycombs.

Thanks to many bee lovers, also called beekeepers, we have been enjoying this delicacy since the Bronze Age.
More information is provided by the German Beekeepers’ Association (Imkerbund e.V.).


Buy directly from the beekeeper. In many places you will find stalls at local markets or follow the sign “Beekeeping”.


Rezept Hustensaft aus Honig

Wirkungsvoll und einfach: Honig-Hustensaft selber gemacht.
Print Pin Bewerten
Course: health
Cuisine: Germany
Keyword: sweet
Difficulty: Beginner
Ziehen lassen: 1 day
Total Time: 15 minutes
Servings: 1 Glas

Ingredients & Shopping list

  • 2 rote Zwiebeln
  • 1 Glas kalt geschleuderter flüssiger Honig möglichst direkt vom Imker


  • Die Zwiebeln klein würfeln und in ein leeres Schraubglas füllen.
  • Flüssigen Honig dazu geben bis die Zwiebeln bedeckt sind.
  • Alles ca. 24 Stunden bei Raumtemperatur stehen lassen.
  • Von dem Saft der sich gebildet hat mehrmals täglich einen Teelöffel nehmen.

Tips & Hints

 Das Glas anschließend im Kühlschrank aufbewahren und bald verbrauchen.
Honig (2,5kg Ein Deutscher...
beegut Blütenpollen BIO, 250g mild...
ImkerPur - Honigwabe in...

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Beekeeper addresses


Berlin Bärengold GmbH
Büschingstraße 1
10249 Berlin
Internet: www.berlinerhonig.de

Special feature:
Honey from Berlin bees, honey from the tree of the gods


Farm shop Fischerhof Dorfaue
Dorfaue 20
15566 Schöneiche near Berlin
Phone: 030 – 64 38 87 42
Internet: www.dorfaue.com


Beekeeping Ahrens (Lüneburg Heath)
Haußelbergweg 54
29328 Faßberg
Phone: 05053-704

Special feature:
Disc honey, various blossom honeys, heather honey, forest honey

City beekeeping Oker bees
38102 Brunswick
Internet: www.okerbienen.de

Special feature:
Summer honey in the natural honeycomb fresh from the hive, disc honey from the Lüneburg Heath



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