Liver dumpling soup
Liver dumplings as a starter
Liver dumplings, like spaetzleor pretzels, are a very typical southern German speciality. Knödel is the southern German meaning for a dumpling. However, this soup is also prepared and served in the neighbouring countries of Austria, Switzerland, the Elass and in South Tyrol. Traditionally used beef liver, which is pureed. However, any other liver can be used. White bread, milk and egg give the farce the stability to form dumplings (dumplings) from it.
The liver dumplings are eaten, for example, as a main course with sauerkraut as a side dish. Popular and often offered is a liver dumpling soup as an appetizer. This usually involves serving a large dumpling in a meat broth.
Ingredients & Shopping list
- 400 g beef liver
- 4 stale bread rolls or 200g white bread
- 125 ml lukewarm milk
- 1 small onion
- 1 bunch parsley
- 2 tbsp frying fat
- 2 eggs
- 1 l meat broth
- salt, pepper, marjoram, lemon juice
- Slice the rolls and let them soak in the lukewarm milk for about 10 minutes.
- Put the liver through a meat grinder.
- Finely chop the parsley and onions and briefly sauté in a pan.
- Knead the onion mixture with the rolls and liver to form a dough. Season with salt, pepper, marjoram and a splash of zircon juice.
- Form 8 equally sized dumplings from the meat dough. If they are too soft, then add some breadcrumbs to the mixture.
- Bring the meat broth to a boil.
- Put the dumplings in and let them steep in the quietly simmering broth for 20 minutes.
Tips & Hints
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