Recipe white asparagus – variations

In spring, around the end of April, the opening of a very special season takes place: the asparagus season. Then there is the coveted white asparagus that only sees the light of day when it is too late: at harvest time. It lasts about eight weeks until St. John’s Day on June 24.
Steamed, au gratin, classic with hollondaise sauce, as a ragout or risotto, main course, as a side dish or even dessert – asparagus is popular.

The white stalks contain hardly any calories, have a high proportion of water (92%). However, it has a high content of trace elements such as phosphorus, calcium, chromium, magnesium, iron, sodium and zinc.

White asparagus prepared with potatoes, hollondaise sauce and ham.

Peeled, the asparagus is cooked classically in water with the addition of salt, sugar and butter.

The cooked sticks are served with slices of raw ham, hollondaise sauce or brown butter and potatoes or a classic Schnitzel.


In addition to white asparagus, green and purple asparagus are also very popular. Here the sprouts are allowed to see the daylight of the world and change their colour. This also gives the asparagus a stronger flavour. These varieties do not need to be peeled.

Cultivation areas

The best-known growing areas are Beelitz in Brandenburg, Nienburg in Lower Saxony, Waldbeck in North Rhine-Westphalia, Schrobenhausen in Upper Bavaria and Schwetzingen in Baden-Württemberg.

Preparation asparagus

Cooking in the oven

Prepare the asparagus on a baking tray in the oven

Peel asparagus spears and place side by side on a baking sheet and spread some salt, sugar and butter flakes directly on the asparagus spears. Then seal tightly with aluminum foil.
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and cook the asparagus on the bottom rack of the oven for 45 minutes. Then leave to rest briefly on the tray.
This asparagus is not watery and all the flavors stay in the asparagus here.

bain-marie cooking

Asparagus served with brown butter

Peel the asparagus spears. In a saucepan, bring enough water to a boil with a little salt, sugar and butter. Add the asparagus spears, bring to the boil again briefly and reduce the heat.
Depending on the thickness of the sticks, the cooking time is 15 to 20 minutes. The broth is very suitable for a sauce or broth.

As a side dish to asparagus is suitable for example Charzete

Rezept Chratzete
Eine südbadisch Beilage zu Spargel oder Fleisch
Open recipe
Chratzete mit Spargel
Sauce Hollondaise

Rezept Sauce Hollondaise

Sauce Hollondaise ist gar nicht so schwierig und schmeckt frisch am Besten.
Print Pin Bewerten
Course: sauce
Cuisine: Germany
Keyword: savoury
Difficulty: Experienced
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes
Servings: 4 Portionen

Ingredients & Shopping list

  • 100 g Butter
  • 1 Eigelb
  • 1 TL Zitronensaft
  • weißer Pfeffer


  • Butter in einem Topf vorsichtig schmelzen lassen (nicht bräunen).
  • In einem weiterem Topf Wasser erwärmen bis es heiß ist, aber nicht kocht.
  • Mit einem Schneebesen Zitronensaft und Eigelb verrühren. Die Rührschüssel anschließend in das vorbereitete Wasserbad stellen. Die Mischung weiter schlagen bis sie schaumig ist.
  • Die Schüssel aus dem Wasserbad nehmen und die flüssige Butter tröpfchenweise zugeben. Dabei immer weiter verrühren bis die ganze Butter unter gearbeitet ist.
  • Anschließend mit Salz und Pfeffer abschmecken.

Tips & Hints

Bis zum Servieren kann die Sauce im Wasserbad warm gehalten werden.
Angebot WMF Vitalis Aroma Dampfgarer,...
RÖSLE ELEGANCE Spargel und...
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