Sweet Mohnpielen – a poppy seed casserole
The recipe for Mohnpielen originally comes from Silesia. It is a name for poppy seed casserole here. In Berlin and Brandenburg it has been prepared for over 100 years. Especially at Christmas and the turn of the year it is a traditional dessert.
Instead of raisin rolls, plain rolls or white bread can be used. An elegant solution for the reuse of stale food.
Recipe poppy seed casserole – Mohnpielen
A recipe for Christmas and New Year's Eve.
Ingredients & Shopping list
- 4 stale milk rolls
- 250 g ground poppy seeds
- 250 g sugar
- 1 ltr milk
- 60 g raisins
- 50 g sweet almond flakes or chopped almonds
- Roughly dice the rolls. Place in a bowl and soak with 500 ml of milk. Add 50g sugar.
- Rinse the poppy seeds thoroughly in a fine hair sieve and leave to dry. (This can also be done at 50 degrees in the oven). Grind the poppy seeds finely with a poppy seed grinder or alternatively with a coffee grinder.
- Lightly boil the remaining milk with poppy seeds, sugar and the washed raisins for 10 minutes.
- Place the swollen poppy seeds alternately with the rolls in layers in a bowl.
- Finally, sprinkle with the flaked almonds. Chill for at least 5 hours.
Tips & Hints
Divide into portions on plates. Typically a tablespoon is used to portion the Mohnpielen on plates. This dessert can also be eaten the next day.
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